A downloadable interview

This is a relatively experimental bit of work, with two parts at present.

First, the Farsickness Interview is a set of bits of fiction followed by prompts to be answered (verbally, in writing, as you like).  It verges on being a solo game, and provokes the reader or user in some interesting ways, but is entirely linear and ignores some of the usual conventions of that form.

Second, the Interviewer's Notes are advice on good practices for turning the Interview itself into something much more like a one-on-one or small-group roleplaying device.   This would, as described, be more like a verbal improv event than a traditional tabletop rpg; there are no character sheets, dice, or any of the usual trappings of such games.

Neither contains any critical mass of explanatory information, but neither really needs it, either; you'll figure it out fairly easily.

Updated 1 day ago
Published 2 days ago
CategoryPhysical game
AuthorLevi Kornelsen


The Farsickness Interview.pdf 33 kB
Farsickness - Notes For Interviewing.pdf 27 kB

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