Follow Levi Kornelsen
Levi Kornelsen
Levi Kornelsen
Sokoban Dragon
Block-Pushing With A Little Dragon
Levi Kornelsen
Play in browser
The Praxic Compendium
Design Elements For Tabletop RPGs
Levi Kornelsen
Cycles And Loops In Tabletop RPGs
A Primer On Going Round And Round
Levi Kornelsen
Cycles And Loops 2: Capstones
A zine of episode structures, in flowchart form.
Levi Kornelsen
Saints And The Soothsayer's Deck
Saints Of The Empty Throne
A Swashbuckling Game Of Raggedy Noble Remnants
Levi Kornelsen
The Soothsayer's Deck
A Tabletop Oracle For RPG Play
Levi Kornelsen
Scenarios For Saints Of The Empty Throne
Levi Kornelsen
A Guide To Politics, For The Republic Of The Empty Throne
Notes, Doctrines, Factions, and Radicals
Levi Kornelsen
The Book Of Judgment
For Saints Of The Empty Throne
Levi Kornelsen
The Book Of Stunts
For Saints Of The Empty Throne
Levi Kornelsen
Saints - In Italian!
Santi del Trono Vuoto
Il trono vuoto, deve rimanere vuoto
Il Mazzo dell'Indovino
Un mazzo oracolare
Un set di avventure per Santi del Trono Vuoto
Startup And Setup
Awen (Early Access)
Procedural Tabletop Fantasy Setting Builder
Levi Kornelsen
Fundamentals Of Tabletop Roleplaying
A primer on (traditional) tabletop roleplaying gaming.
Levi Kornelsen
Uniting The Party
Levi Kornelsen
Starter Cultures
Common Fantasy Cultures For Worldbuilding
Levi Kornelsen
Culture Priming
Prepping TTRPG Cultures For Situational Play
Levi Kornelsen
Situations For Tabletop Roleplaying
A series of fill-in-the-blanks situation generators.
Levi Kornelsen
Regional Situation Generation
Levi Kornelsen
Dungeons For Tabletop Roleplaying
An extended article on dungeon creation.
Levi Kornelsen
Standalone Games
A Tunnel Goons Variant And Adventure
Levi Kornelsen
Sargolis, edizione italiana
Un gioco di ruolo d'avventura
A Fairy Tale Adventure Game
Levi Kornelsen
League And Fathom
Troupe Roleplaying
Levi Kornelsen
Designer's Toybox
The Deck Of Rules
A Tabletop RPG Design Toy
Levi Kornelsen
Mechanisms For Tabletop Roleplaying
A collection of hacks to apply to or design into TTRPGs.
Levi Kornelsen
Mechanisms For Tabletop Roleplaying, Set 2
A second set of hacks or game components (depending on use).
Levi Kornelsen
A theoretical glossary for tabletop roleplaying.
Levi Kornelsen
A rules engine for tabletop roleplaying.
Levi Kornelsen
A standalone tabletop RPG of violent shapeshifters.
Levi Kornelsen
Bright Arcana
A Schema Playset
Levi Kornelsen
The Farsickness Interview
Levi Kornelsen
Schema: Apocrypha
Schema Stakes Sheet For Powered By The Apocalypse
Levi Kornelsen
The Predictable Downfall Of Our Flawed Sovereign
A structured improv for four or five.
Levi Kornelsen
One-Page Sales Copy Guide
An easy walkthrough
Levi Kornelsen
One-Page Marketing Plan
Just fill in the blanks.
Levi Kornelsen
Query Six
A simple tabletop rules engine.
Levi Kornelsen
Awen (Early Access)
Procedural Tabletop Fantasy Setting Builder
Levi Kornelsen
Appendix: Kiths
For Query Six and Awen
Levi Kornelsen
A system of magic for tabletop roleplaying.
Levi Kornelsen
The Eikostos Oracle
A quick generator of anti-canon relations.
Levi Kornelsen
Seven Exteriors
Seven isometric exterior locations, with blank labels.
Levi Kornelsen
The Skies Of Tarrant
Resources For Skylands Gaming
Levi Kornelsen
Tabletop Roleplaying In The Eldritch Apocalypse.
Levi Kornelsen
Infected: Trouble
A mini-supplement for Infected
Levi Kornelsen
Infected: Stranger Still
A mini-supplement for Infected.
Levi Kornelsen
Infected: Immaculate Cenotaph
A mini-supplement for Infected
Levi Kornelsen
STL files
Chessables (STL Files)
3d printable figures
Levi Kornelsen
Oracle Dice (STL)
A 3d Print file for some oracle dice.
Levi Kornelsen
Reaction Dice (STL)
3d printable die
Levi Kornelsen
Aetherships Font
Type a flying ship!
Levi Kornelsen
Aetheric Ordnance
A gunmaking font with a steam-arcana-future bent.
Levi Kornelsen
Raygun Rockets Font
Type up some rayguns and rockets!
Levi Kornelsen
Also, some video game stuff....
A minecraft mod
Levi Kornelsen
Lance Aloft
An Aerial Jousting Android APK
Levi Kornelsen
Ecto Stomp (Play In Browser)
A quick puzzle-platformer, in development.
Levi Kornelsen
Play in browser
Aaaaaaand some print and play games...
A ball sports board game
Levi Kornelsen
Baronial Tiles (Print & Play or STL)
An series of abstract mini-chesslike games, print and play.
Levi Kornelsen
A print and play card game for two
Levi Kornelsen
Recommended: More Fundamentals And Safety Tools
How to Run Roleplaying Games
How to Play Roleplaying Games
Script Change RPG Toolbox
A multi-function content, consent, and safety toolbox for collaborative creation and gameplay.
Thoughty by Beau Jágr Sheldon
Check-In Tool Kit
three emotional safety tools for playing TTRPGs online
Ash Kreider
Recommended: Games, Engines, and Bits
RPG Design Zine
A How-To Zine about Tabletop RPG Design
Nathan D. Paoletta
A storygame about villagers defending their home from a monster.
Empath Chamber
An Untitled Turnip 28 RPG
A fan RPG set in the world of the post-apocalyptic vegetable wargame, Turnip 28.
The Salt Traders
A game of travel, storytelling and salt
Paddy Hutchinson
An adventure role-playing game
Gander Gaming
TTRPG Creator Resources Database
This is a free a database of resources for TTRPG creators. Occasionally, donations accepted.
The Best-Delayed Plans: The Game Master's Guide to Adventure Prep
TroyPress SPAAACE!
An excessively silly SF tabletop RPG
FU: The Freeform Universal RPG (Classic)
An simple, exciting, narrative RPG that takes only a few minutes to get you into the action.
Peril Planet Game Studio
Primal Quest - Essentials
A Weird Stone & Sorcery Adventure Game
Diogo Nogueira - Old Skull Publishing
Lasers & Feelings
One page, one-shot, easily hackable rpg
John Harper
bare-bones fantasy role-playing with 3 dice
Brian Bình
The TTRPG of Bronze Age SWORD & SORCERY driven by PASSION!
Joshua A.C. Newman
Succulent Sorcerers!
Become magical sentient succulent houseplants, defending your home from evil bugs!
Diwata ng Manila
Schema: FKR
A 3x5 card set of rules for roleplaying with
Cassandra’s Manifold Applesauce
A soulslike RPG hacked from Knave
Jason Tocci
Skill Option - Languages & Cants
Optional language rules for table top/pen and paper roleplaying games.
Recommended: Setting Builders And Components
Shock: Humanities at Play
Same amazing social science-fiction, but with a brand new engine!
Humanities at Play
Build A Community Together
Ben Robbins
Exquisite Biome
A game of speculative biology
Caro Asercion
can•trip volume 3
A random dungeon generation system for Crashing Beasts & Crumbling Halls.
Paul Stefko
Procedures to Discover the Path Ahead
Bottled Cities
a place-building game in a jar
Anna Landin
One Page Dungeons
Small Dungeons. Big Stories.
The Ground Itself
A world-building game about places over time
Everest Pipkin
Recommended: Magic!
a spellcrafting game
Anna Landin
Bring the weird personal powers of Pentolans to your own game!
Michael T Lombardi
Wool of Bat
You're a witch. Don't belong. INTRUDE.
Ethan Harvey
Witchery for the Ironsworn: Starforged System
Recommended: Maps And Map Generation
Wallet Dungeons
Create a dungeon with a handful of dice!
Neighbourhood Generator
Some streets, buildings, squares...
Run in browser
One Page Dungeon
One page dungeon generator
Run in browser
Village Generator
Randomly generated village maps
Run in browser