Iteration 7: Beta Files

The files for Schema, iteration 7 have reached the Beta stage and been re-upped.

Most of the changes here are clarifying and expanding rewrites as well as the shuffling of examples closer to the things they are examples for, as well as the introduction of a few pages of supporting material.  The only major *change* was renaming 'skills and specialties' to 'fields and skills', and re-stating the dice from them.  It doesn't mechanically alter anything, but it's much more intuitive now.

Also the yellow background has been cut, and a bit of format cleanup done, making it much more possible to print the files if desired.


Schema 7 - Rules - Beta 4.6 MB
Dec 02, 2019
Schema 7 - Character Sheet - Beta 21 kB
Dec 02, 2019
Schema 7 - Stakes Sheet - Beta 27 kB
Dec 02, 2019

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